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Friday, October 4, 2013

50 Things to do Instead of Snacking

Prior to having weight loss surgery in June 2006, I was a big time mindless snacker. Every time I walked in the kitchen, I walked out with something in my hand, a handful of chips, a cookie, or just a bite of something or other. During certain times of the day it was like an eating monster took over my body; late afternoon and just before bed were the worst. I wasn't even hungry most of the time, sometimes I was just bored or it was just there. Every year, I packed on the pounds because those "just a bites" and mindless snacking meant I was consuming hundreds of extra calories a week.One of the keys to post weight loss surgery success for me is being mindful each day of what goes in my body. I plan my meals and my snacks and if it's not in my plan for the day, it's not going in my mouth. The old mindless eating monster still comes a-calling, I just choose not to feed the beast. Instead, I pick an idea from my "instead of snacking" list to send me off in a positive direction. I have a copy of this on my fridge and in my office. Hope it helps you as much as it helped me.

  • 50 Things to do Instead of Snacking
1. Imagine the new healthier you

2. Walk around the block

3. Call a friend

4. Make a list of your Top Ten Reasons to Lose Weight

5. Make a To Do list

6. Turn on music and dance

7. Jot a thank you note to someone

8. Go to bed early or take a nap

9. Read a book

10. Blog or journal

11. Give yourself a manicure or pedicure

12. Plan a healthy meal for your family

13. Surf the Internet

14. Finish an unfinished project

15. Walk your dog, pet your cat, feed your fish

16. Brush your teeth

17. Balance your checkbook

18. Say a prayer

19. Chop veggies to keep on hand

20. Give a massage

21. Clean out a junk drawer

22. Play a game with your kids

23. Try a new route on your walk

24. Drink a glass of water

25. Kiss someone

26. Try on some of your clothes

27. Look at old pictures

28. Rent a video

29. Wash your car

30. Take a hot, soothing bath

31. Update your calendar

32. Work in your yard

33. Start your holiday shopping list

34. Count your blessings

35. Write a letter

36. Fold some laundry

37. Check your e-mail

38. Give your dog a bath

39. Send a birthday card

40. Meditate

41. Hug someone

42. Rearrange some furniture

43. Light a fire or some candles

44. Put your pictures in an album

45. Plan a trip (real or imaginary)

46. Straighten a closet

47. Clean out files

48. Visit a friend

49. Clean out your trunk

50. Do something nice for someone


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