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Friday, October 4, 2013

The No Bullshit Diet

It's time to quit fooling yourself into thinking there is an easier way.
There are no special berries, formulas, or miracle pills and your current height, weight, and age doesn't matter.
Stick to the following schedule and you WILL lose weight.

Eat 1800 Calories a Day                               
Example Schedule:                                          
Breakfast: Eat 500 calories
                              (When you wake up)                            
                  Lunch: Eat 600 calories                
(During your lunch break)
                   Dinner: Eat 700 calories              
(At least 3 hours before bedtime)
Eat 1500 Calories a Day                                 
Example Schedule:                                            
                Breakfast: Eat 400 calories            
(When you wake up)
                 Lunch: Eat 500 calories                  
(During your lunch break)
                   Dinner: Eat 600 calories                
(At least 3 hours before bedtime)
About 1 lb per week...or about 50 lbs per year

What do you do if you eat more than this each day?
Exercise. Get on the treadmill and work off the extra calories.
And remember...if this were easy, there wouldn't be so many fake diets out there.
Disclaimer: Always check with your doctor before starting any diet.


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